Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development Portfolio Open Data Feature
The State of Connecticut has recently launched an open data portal providing public access to open data. The site is powered by Socrata, which in my experience provides a very solid…
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Complaint Database Now Featured at Open Data Bits
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau of the United States educates consumers about financial options, enforces federal consumer financial laws, and conducts studies to "better understand consumers, financial services providers, and…
Video: What is Open Data Bits?
Open Data Bits is a new initiative to provide guidance and a methodology for using and mashing up open data. The video embedded above gives a brief overview of our… Office of Management and Budget Data Visualization
Office of Management and Budget open data from visualized in Excel 2013 The United States Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has provided budgetary open data for public use that is accessible…
San Francisco Graffiti Reports and SFPD Reported Incidents Data Mashup
San Francisco Graffiti and Police Incidents Data Mashup The open data sets previously featured at Open Data Bits were both from the city of San Francisco, and they both contained…
San Francisco Graffiti Reports Open Data
San Francisco Graffiti Report Open Data The city of San Francisco has numerous data sets available to the public, including data that details reports about graffiti in the city. This…
San Francisco Police Department Reported Incidents Open Data
SFPD Reported Incidents Open Data in Power View The city of San Francisco has made a wealth of data available for public use via an open data website. One of…
Canada 2012 HIV/AIDS Attitudinal Tracking Survey Open Data
The 2014 Canadian Open Data Summit is taking place in Vancouver today, February 21. In the spirit of the convention, an open data set from the Canadian government will be…
NYC Restaurant Inspections Results Open Data
The first open data set featured at Open Data Bits was NYC 311 Service Requests, which can be read by clicking here. New York City also has Restaurant Inspection Results…
New York City 311 Service Requests Open Data
New York City has made open data available to "serve as a rich resource for developers, civic groups, and anyone else to build applications on their own." One of those…